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Copyright © 2000-2024 R. C. Mazur, VA3ROM
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June 25 2024
Added support material for my next TCA (Jul-Aug 2024) column "The Last Great North American Total Solar Eclipse" (RM065). See Radio Magic
Reedited & posted the last two series of  Snap Circuit articles "Part 3: Optical Communications" (RM061) & "Part 4: The Snapino" (RM062). See Radio Magic.
06 May 2024
Added support material for my next TCA (May-Jun 2024) column "First Look: The Arduino R4" (RM064). See  Radio Magic
22 March 2024
With the launches of two more new Russian digital weather satellites, both assigned to the same frequencies as the aging analog NOAA weather satellies on the 137 MHz band, there's just too much interference from the very wide band digital satellites so I've decided to end my NOAA satellite web page after 20 years because there's no free decoding software that can do everything using the digital birds' telemetry like the amazing WxToImg did for the analog birds. 
The April 8 North American total solar eclipse will soon be here, but the odds of having a clear sky view in my part of Ontario aren't in my favour, according to the climate records.
Fortunately, there're also several more radio monitoring options available. Here's a list of new ones published in the recent ARRL Newsletter:
Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP)
Gladstone Signal Spotting Challenge
Medium Wave Recording Event
Time Delay of Arrival (TDOA) Event
Grape 1 Doppler Receiver Project
01 March 2024
Added support material for my next TCA (Feb-Mar 2024) column "The Great American Annular Solar Eclipse" (RM063). See Radio Magic
Speaking of solar eclipses, there's a total solar eclipse coming up from Mexico through Texas, southern Ontario, Quebec, Maine & Canadian Maritimes on April 8. It will be the last one in this decade crossing North America. The HamSCIW8EDU ARC groups both have designed specific total solar eclipse projects to study ionospheric effects it will have on radio frequencies & propagation. They're looking for hobby radio listeners (no license or clear sky required) to signup then listen, collect & submit received data for analysis.
19 January 2024
Reedited & posted two of my past published TCA articles: "Snap Circuits Part 1: Unleash Your Creativity!" & "Snap Circuits Part 2: Mr. Morse" (RM059 & RM060). In part 2, I also include a short history of the development of the American electromagnetic (or electric) telegraph & Morse code. See Radio Magic.
26 September 2023
Reedited & posted three of my past published TCA articles: "Telemetry-over-WSPR: Part 1 & Part 2" (RM056 & RM057) and "Shortwave Radiograin" (RM058). See Radio Magic.
26 August 2023
Added support material for my next TCA (Sep-Oct 2023) column "Snap Circuits Part 3: Optical Communications" (RM061) plus supplement. See Radio Magic.
26 June 2023
Added support material for my next TCA (Jul-Aug 2023) column "Snap Circuits Part 2: Mr. Morse Gadget" (RM060) plus supplement. See  Radio Magic.
17 May 2023
Added support material for my next TCA (May-Jun 2023) column "Snap Circuits Part 1: Unleash Your Creativity!" (RM059) plus supplement. See Radio Magic.
24 December 2022
Added support material for my next TCA (Jan-Feb 2023) column "Shortwave Radiogram" (RM058) plus supplement. See Radio Magic.
24 November 2022
Finally got around to reediting, updating & posting five of my past published TCA articles: "Antenna Tales" (RM051), "FM Voice & Data & the ISS" parts 1 & 2 (RM052 & RM053) & "Radio Science: VLF" parts 1 & 2 (RM054 & RM055). See  Radio Magic.
20 November 2022
The amazing NOAA satellite flight engineers have done it again! They have remotely fixed whatever was ailing the aging NOAA-15 back in October & it's once again transmitting APT satellite weather images. 
31 October 2022
Added support material for my next TCA column "Telemetry-over-WSPR: Part
2 (RM057) + Supplement. See Radio Magic.
Contact VA3ROM
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